General Terms and Conditions of Sale

Applied to our Training Activities

I – Description

Lemarié Consulting International SARLU is a professional training organization, a translation and consulting firm whose head office is located at Arena Business Center Lot VB 71 A Ambatoroka Antanananarivo II Madagascar .  Lemarié Consulting International SARLU sets up and provides intra-company, distance and nationwide training, alone or in partnership. We do not provide work-study training.

II – Purpose and scope of application

The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale determine the conditions applicable to training, translation and consultancy services provided by the company Lemarié Consulting International SARLU on behalf of a client. Any order for training, translation or consulting services from the company implies the client’s unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. These conditions prevail over any other document of the client, in particular over any general terms of purchase.

III – Quotation and certificate

For each training, translation or consultancy, Lemarié Consulting International SARLU undertakes to provide the client with a quotation. The latter is required to return to the company a copy that has been filled in, dated, signed and stamped, with the mention “Agreed and signed”. At the client’s request, a certificate of attendance or completion of training can be provided.

IV – Prices and payment terms

The prices of the training courses are indicated in net MGA (VAT not applicable). Payment is to be made after execution of the service, on receipt of the invoice, in cash. For an order exceeding 2.100.000 MGA a deposit of 30 % will be required at the time of order. Payment of invoices must be made by bank transfer.

The price of our training courses at the client’s premises or at a distance by videoconference is 420,000 MGA net/hour of training.

Any additional travel or other services will be subject to specific pricing, depending on the nature of the request and upon quotation. 

V – Coverage

If the client benefits from financing by an agreed body, he/she must apply for reimbursement before the beginning of the service. In all cases, the client will be billed for the full cost of the training and must pay the full amount to Lemarié Consulting International SARLU.

VI – Conditions of postponement and cancellation of a training session

Cancellation of a training session is possible, provided that it is done at least 10 calendar days before the scheduled day and time. All cancellations must be notified by e-mail to . In the event of cancellation between 4 and 10 working days before the date of the course, the client is required to pay a cancellation fee of 50% of the total initial cost of the course. In the event of cancellation less than 3 working days before the start of the course, the client will be charged a cancellation penalty of 10% of the total initial cost of the course.

The client may request a postponement of his/her participation in a training course, provided that he/she sends a written request to the training organisation within 10 days before the date of the training course.

In the event of non-performance of its obligations due to a fortuitous event or a case of force majeure, Lemarié Consulting International SARLU cannot be held responsible towards its clients. The latter will be informed by e-mail.

VII – Training programme

If he/she deems it necessary, the speaker may modify the content of the training courses according to the group dynamics or the level of the participants. The contents of the programmes shown on the presentation sheets are therefore only provided as an indication and may be modified in agreement with the client in order to meet his/her specific needs and expectations.

VIII – Technical means used and training methods

Our training courses are given in person or by distance learning. For distance learning, upon registration, the trainee receives a connection link to our videoconference sessions, face to face with a trainer for the duration of each session. It is therefore essential that the trainee has the necessary equipment for the remote sessions, as well as an operational internet connection sufficient for video-conference communications (computer equipped with a webcam, microphone, speakers and/or headset).

The trainee also has access to a distance learning (or e-learning) space accessible via the Cloud, which he or she can use after registration to consult study documents and submit documents to us during application exercises.

When our training courses are held at the client company’s premises. In this case, the company hosting the trainer is responsible for providing the necessary equipment (video projector, regulatory room).

Before each training session taking place in the client company, an e-mail stating the necessary equipment and the conditions of reception is sent to the company.

We do not provide training on our company premises.

IX – Disabled or handicapped trainees

Disabled people or people with disabilities, with reduced mobility, but with other physical capacities that allow them to follow our training courses, can register and participate in our distance learning courses, if they have the necessary equipment to connect via videoconference. In the event that persons with disabilities are unable to attend our courses due to a disability that is incompatible with our ability to provide our services, we provide a list of organisations for persons with disabilities so that they can find an alternative solution.

We do not provide face-to-face training in our premises. Face-to-face training can be organised in third-party premises, mainly in Madagascar.

At the end of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, you will find a list of organisations for the support of disabled people and people with disabilities that can meet more specific needs not covered by our services. The present list mainly deals with French organisations. A future updated list will be provided soon.*

X – Information and contact details for training courses

People interested in our training courses can contact us mainly through our website, using the contact form, and send us a message with their contact details so that we can get back to them within a period of time that can vary from one day to three working days. Contact address:


XI – Intellectual property and copyright

The training materials, whatever their form (paper, digital, electronic, etc.), are protected by intellectual property and copyright. They may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the express agreement of our company. The client undertakes not to use, transmit or reproduce all or part of these documents with a view to organising or conducting training courses.

XII – Data processing and liberties 

The personal information communicated by the client to Lemarié Consulting International SARLU is useful for the processing of the registration as well as for the constitution of a client file for commercial prospecting. Although located in Madagascar, our company complies with the French law “informatique et libertés” of January 6, 1978, in terms of protection and use of data collected on our site. The customer has the right to access, rectify and oppose personal data concerning him/her. Our website has been configured to take into account the obligations of the Data Protection Regulation Act in Europe and includes an invitation on the first page for visitors to accept or refuse cookies and to decide on the use that will be made of the collected data.

XIII – Applicable law and jurisdiction

The present General Conditions of Sale are governed by Malagasy law. In case of dispute between the company Lemarié Consulting International SARLU and the client, the search for an amicable solution will be privileged. Otherwise, the case will be brought before the courts of Antananarivo, Madagascar.

XIV – Performance Indicators

You will soon be able to consult our performance indicators for our training services in Madagascar and in the Indian Ocean in general.

You can already consult our performance indicators for our French company by clicking on the link below:

Performance indicators

 * List of organisations providing assistance to the disabled. This is a non-exhaustive list which will soon be completed to take into account the organisations that help the disabled in Madagascar.

ONISEP List of organisations helping the disabled

APF France Handicap

APAJH – Federation of associations for disabled adults and young people
